IRO Contributor KYC Verification Guide

Hello Hyperbridge community! Ready to complete your KYC verification? Let's make this super easy 👇
You will need:
- An identity document
- Access to the account you used to contribute
- A Polkadot address for claiming (claim address)
We require you to sign on Polkadot-JS (if you contributed from a Polkadot account) or Etherscan (if you contributed from an EVM account). The message of these signatures will be the Polkadot wallet address to which you want to claim your tokens. If you contributed with multiple wallets, you would need to sign with all of them.
Please note that you can only claim into one account, regardless of the number of accounts you contributed from.
You must submit these signatures during the KYC process, so you should copy them immediately and paste them somewhere safe.
If you contributed with multiple wallets and have to generate multiple signatures, please separate each signature with a comma when you paste them into the KYC form.
⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE: This guide is ONLY for investors who contributed via Polkadot
Step-by-Step Polkadot Signature Process
STEP 1: Access Polkadot-JS
- Visit Polkadot-JS
- Ensure the SAME Polkadot wallet you used to contribute to the Hyperbridge Token Sale (IRO) is connected to the website
STEP 2: Create Signature
- From the “Developer” drop-down menu at the top of the website, select “Sign and verify”
- If you do not see the “Sign and verify” option, ensure that your wallet is connected to the Polkadot-JS website, then refresh the website. You should see it now under the “Developer” menu.
- On the page that comes up after, paste your Polkadot claim address into the field labelled “sign the following data”
- Now click the “Sign message” button under the text boxes (at the right side of the page) and approve the signature request once your wallet asks you to
STEP 3: Copy Your Signature
- You will now see a new text field on the page labelled “signature of supplied data”. Copy the entire signature in this field (it will look like a long string starting with "0x") and store it somewhere safe. You will need it to claim your tokens.
Video guide for Polkadot IRO Contributor
⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE: This guide is ONLY for investors who contributed via EVM channels (Ethereum, BSC, etc.)
Step-by-Step EVM Signature Process
STEP 1: Access Etherscan
- Visit Etherscan
- Navigate to the "More" dropdown menu
- Select "Verified Signature" option
- Then select the “Sign Message” button on the top right of the page that comes up
- You will see an “ says” disclaimer alert. Click “Ok” to accept.
- You will then be prompted to connect your wallet. Connect the SAME account you used to contribute to the Hyperbridge token sale (IRO)
STEP 2: Create Signature
- In the message field, enter the Polkadot address you want to claim your tokens into
- If you don't have an account, you can create one using this guide
- Click "Sign" and approve the signature request in your wallet
STEP 3: Copy Your Signature
- Once signed, Etherscan will display your signature
- Copy the ENTIRE signature text (it will look like a long string starting with "0x") and store it somewhere safe. You will need it later
KYC Steps
- Proceed to the SumSub KYC verification process here:
- You will see a page that says "Verification for Jollof Labs"
- Follow the prompts and fill in the appropriate information
- On the SECOND PAGE of the verification form, you'll find a field for your signature
- Paste your complete signature in this field
- Keep following the prompts and provide all the appropriate info till you complete the verification
Full KYC Video for Hyperbridge IRO Contributors
- You will receive an email confirming completion of the process
Your rewards will be sent directly to your Polkadot claim account on the Hyperbridge network at TGE. If you encounter any issues during this process, please reach out to us on Telegram or Discord.
Happy verifying 🚀!